Pet Food Bank

The free SPCA Pet Food Bank is here to help. Our food is free to recipients, all thanks to our generous donors. For more information, please call 831-373-2631 or email us.
Leer esta información en español.
We thank our generous donors for making this program possible! Help stock our Pet Food Bank with pet food and supplies for people who cannot afford them due to job loss or other reasons. Donations can be shipped to 1002 Monterey-Salinas Highway, Salinas CA 93908 from PetSmart, Petco, Pet Food Express, Walmart, our Chewy Wish List, our Amazon Wish List, or any other pet food supplier. You can also bring donations to our Animal Shelter daily from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. We accept both new and opened, unexpired bags of food as well as canned food and litter. Thank you!
The free SPCA Pet Food Bank is here for you. If you are in critical need of help to keep your pet fed during difficult times, please visit us. We are open Saturdays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Our Pet Food Bank is free. Please drive past the Adoption Center and you will be greeted for assistance.
We are located at 1002 Monterey-Salinas Highway across from Laguna Seca. Drive-up our road and pass the Adoption Center (following signs to the Claire Jacobson Learning Center).
Upcoming Community Distribution Events:
- Saturdays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am at the SPCA
Please Note: We are honored to offer this program thanks to the support of our donors. In order to have food available to everyone who needs our help, we need the following rules:
- In order to have food available for everyone, we can only give up to one bag of food per order.
- We are unable to provide orders for more than 2 families per car.
- We can only offer litter and canned food when our donors provide them. For litter, dirt or sand will work. For soft food, you can moisten kibble in warm water or broth.
- If you are feeding feral cats, we can offer one 15-20 lb bag of cat food, but recommend that you try to find another source for food as this program is designed to keep pets in homes. Please work with us or a rescue group to ensure all feral cats are spayed and neutered.
- If you still have food in your car from previous weeks, we ask that you please skip this week. This program is designed for people in need, not to stock up on pet food.
For more information, please email us.