Small Pet Disaster Kits

Here are some items you want to be sure to include in your small pet’s disaster kit:

Keep 3 to 7 days of food appropriate to your pet’s species in your kit. Remember to check the expiration dates. Don’t forget to pack a small bowl for your pet.

You should have at least 3 days worth of water in your kit We like this collapsible kind, but any container could work.

Pack a special water bottle for your pet to drink out of. Make sure it is the appropriate size for your pet

Keep a lightweight travel carrier for your pet. It should be big enough for it to move comfortably inside, but not so big that it could fit through.

Have a few towels in your kit to act as bedding for your pet. As an added bonus, it will keep your pet warm in cold conditions.

Your small pet will likely feel safest in a small, dark place. Be sure to pack a hide box to get your pet through the stress of evacuation.

Keep up to date medical records on your pet, including vaccine history. Some emergency shelters may require it to house your pet. Also, keep a week’s worth of your pet’s medication in your kit – watch the expiration dates!

Keep several copies of a current, color photo of both you and your pet. The photo should show your pet’s face as well as as much of its body as possible. You may need to post them as lost posters, or as proof of ownership to reclaim your pet if it gets lost.

A basic First Aid kit could prove useful in a disaster. Much of what you find in a human kit is fine for your pet as well, so you don’t necessarily have to purchase a special one just for him.

You may need to evacuate to a nearby hotel or motel. Keep a list of pet friendly places in your kit so you know where to go.
Pet Friendly Hotels in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties
Print your own Emergency Wallet card to keep on you
Want a more complete list of items to add to your kit? Click here