SPCA Monterey County — © 2025 All rights reserved.

Animal Camp

by ACTIVE Network

Do you know a child who is passionate about animals? SPCA Animal Camps are a purr-fect fit! These popular programs offer children a unique mix of fun and educational hands-on experiences that nurture compassion, respect for all living things, and make a difference for the animals in our care. (And have we mentioned that it’s FUN?!)

Children learn about animal-related jobs from professional guest speakers, including SPCA Humane Investigators, and Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation staff technicians. Camps activities also include lessons in animal safety and handling, making enrichments for our shelter pets, and many fun visits with adoptable animals in our care.

One-Day Camps 

Our themed one-day camps are happening on select Saturdays and breaks throughout the academic year for children ages 7-12 from 9am to 3pm. These camps are jam-packed with exciting lessons, hands-on activities, and of course, animals!

Registration for 2025 One-Day Camps is open now!

April 12 - Barnyard Bonanza

Summer Animal Camp (Registration open now!) 
Ready for a Summer of fun? Our popular camps offer a unique mix of fun, exciting, and educational experiences. On-site activities include lessons in animal safety and handling, hikes on the SPCA grounds, and animal activities. We’ll make toys and treats for pets, meet rescued wildlife, visit with rescued horses and barn pets, play animal trivia games, make pet-related crafts, and lots more.

The SPCA’s week-long summer day camp offers children ages 7-12 a unique mix of fun, exciting, and educational hands-on experiences. Animal Camp builds self-esteem and nurtures compassion.

Animal Camp (7-12yrs old)
Week 1 June 9th-June 13th
Week 2 June 16th-June 20th
Week 3 June 23rd-June 27th
Week 4 July 7th-July 11th
Week 5 July 14th-July 18th
Week 6 July 21st-July 25th


We will offer a selection of free camp registrations this summer, thanks to the generous support of our donors. These spots will be randomly drawn in a lottery system on May 15. Scholarships will pay for camp registration in full. They cannot refund a camp that has already been registered for. We hope to have your child join us for camp this summer! 
Scholarship Application

ABC’s of the SPCA (Registration open now!)
What is the SPCA Monterey County? What do they do? Do they only have dogs and cats? How do they care for the animals? Tailored to children ages 5-7, all of these questions (and many, many more) will be answered during this awesomely fun camp! Over the course of five 3-hour days during the summer, little Campers will learn all about what makes SPCA Monterey County tick.

ABCs of SPCA (5-7yrs old)
July 28th-Aug 1st

Animal Camp Crew Volunteers 

Looking to gain volunteer experience with children and animals? Join our Crew! Crew members will help create a paws-itive camp environment by modeling desired behavior for campers, playing games, assisting campers with crafts, and maintaining clean spaces.

Age requirement 13-18 years old 

Application, Interviews, and Training

New Volunteer? If you are interested in volunteering this summer please fill out this application and then sign up for an in-person interview using this link

All Crew members must complete training prior to camp starting. Training will take place at our Learning Center from 10am-2pm on the following dates: 

May 31, 2025 - Mandatory Training for New Crew 

June 1, 2025 - Mandatory Training for New and Returning Crew 

If you have any questions please contact aprado@spcamc.org


Our standard camp cancellation policy has been altered to support and promote good public health. If we must cancel or modify any camp session due to public health concerns related to COVID-19, those who have registered for said canceled sessions will receive full refunds. In all other cases, refunds will be provided if requested 30 days before the start of your selected session in which your child is enrolled. For more information regarding our recent changes to camp, please email info@spcamc.org

**Please note that all animal experiences are based on our current shelter population as well as the safety and comfort level of both our animals and campers.

Please email or call us at (831) 264-5434 for more information.

Meet your SPCA Community Educator, Angelica Prado!



For questions:  contact us!!

Check out more of our great kids programs here.