SPCA Monterey County is caring for nine pet fantail pigeons who were found abandoned on the side of Highway 146 in Soledad. SPCA Humane Officers are seeking information about the person who abandoned the birds.
Multiple fantail pigeons were abandoned on Highway 146, approximately three miles off of Metz Road, in Soledad. They were found in the evening on August 10. The citizen who found the pigeons brought them to safety at Los Coches Animal Hospital, and then they were brought to the SPCA Wildlife Center for care.
There were ten surviving birds. They are all in poor condition and showing signs of neglect: they are dirty, their feathers and feet covered in feces, and they are all suffering from feather mites. Sadly, one pigeon was hit by a car and seriously injured before rescue, and needed to be humanely euthanized to end his suffering. Another rescued bird is very ill and under treatment. In addition, SPCA humane officers located a bag filled with deceased birds, and there was evidence that an unknown number of birds had been hit by cars and killed before they were rescued.
Fantail pigeons are a popular breed of pet fancy pigeons known for their large fan-shaped tails. Their lifespan is 10-20 years.
Animal abandonment is a crime. If you can no longer care for your pets, there are always humane options, including surrendering them to the SPCA or a local rescue group.
If you have any information about this case or can identify the pigeons, please contact the SPCA at 831-373-2631. All calls are confidential. To donate to help abused and neglected animals, please call the SPCA at 831-264-5421 or donate online at www.SPCAmc.org.
The owners could potentially be charged with the following offenses: California Penal Code Sections 597.1 (Permitting Animals to go Without Care), Penal Code 597 (Animal Cruelty), Penal Code 597(b) (Deprivation of Food, Water, and Shelter), and Penal Code 597s (Abandonment).
SPCA Monterey County thanks the kind citizen who found the birds and Los Coches Animal Hospital for safely housing the birds overnight.
To support our work, please visit www.SPCAmc.org/donate.