Hawks and Owls

Please call us at 831-264-5427 or email us with your questions. You can also click the links below to learn more specifics about our most frequently asked questions.Â
If you find an injured hawk or owl, first ensure that the bird is hurt. Without touching, look for blood, a drooping wing, wing or wings held far from the body, limping, unable to fly, or captured by a cat or dog. If you see any of these, or if you have question about if the bird needs rescue, please contact us at 831-264-5427 for assistance. The SPCA Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center is open for rescues from 8 am to 5 pm in the Fall and Winter (from September 1 through March 31) and from 7 am to 7 pm in the Spring and Summer (from April 1 to August 31). Please see below for what to do outside of these hours.
If you are able to safely contain the bird using a towel or blanket and avoiding the beak and talons for your safety, please bring the bird to us for care. The SPCA Wildlife Center is located at 1002 Monterey-Salinas Highway, across from WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. Ensure the box is the appropriate size and that the bird cannot escape but can breathe. Do not offer the bird any food or water.Â
If you find a baby owl or hawk on the ground during the day, look for signs of a nest or parents nearby. If you are able to return the baby to its nest, please do. It is a myth that parents will not care for their babies if handled. If you think a baby needs rescue, please call us at 831-264-5427.
The SPCA Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center is open 8 am to 5 pm in the Fall and Winter (from September 1 through March 31) and from 7 am to 7 pm in the Spring and Summer (from April 1 to August 31).
If you find an injured or orphaned owl or hawk after these hours that is unable to move, pick up the animal using a towel or blanket to protect yourself and the bird. Place the animal in a box or container that they can breathe in but not escape from and put them in a warm, dark, safe, and quiet location for the night. Please bring the box to the SPCA Wildlife Center in the morning or call us when we open at 831-264-5427. The SPCA Wildlife Center located at 1002 Monterey-Salinas Highway, across from WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. Do not feed or water the bird, as this could lead to injury or death.